Zeiss LSM 510 META NLO

Zeiss filter specifications are abbreviated with german acronyms:- KP = Kurzpass (shortpass)
Example: KP 545 passes all wavelengths below 545 nm; wavelengths above 545 nm are reflected. - LP = Langpass (longpass)
Example: LP 505 passes all wavelengths above 505 nm; wavelengths below 505 nm are reflected. - BP = Bandpass (bandpass)
Example: BP 500-530 IR passes all wavelengths in between 500 nm and 530 nm and infrared light; all other wavelengths are reflected. - FT = Farbteiler (dichroic beamsplitter)
- HFT = Hauptfarbteiler (primary dichroic beamsplitter)
Example: HFT 458/514 deflects the indicated laser lines onto the specimen and allows the emitted fluorescent light to pass through. - NFT = Nebenfarbteiler (secondary dichroic beamsplitter)
Example: NFT 490 splits the emitted fluorescence light into seperate channels. Light below 490 nm wavelength is deflected, whereas light with longer wavelengths passes through.
Filter cassette (cube 1 on drawing)

- Pos. 1: None
- Pos. 2: blue (Zeiss Filterset 1)
- Exciter: bandpass, 359 - 371 nm (BP 365/12)
- Beamsplitter: dichroic mirror, 395 nm (FT 395)
- Emitter: longpass, 397 nm (LP 397)
- Pos. 3: green (Zeiss Filterset 9)
- Exciter: bandpass, 450 - 490 nm (BP 450 - 490)
- Beamsplitter: dichroic mirror, 510 nm (FT 510)
- Emitter: longpass, 515 nm (LP 515)
- Pos. 4: red (Zeiss Filterset 15)
- Exciter: bandpass, 540 - 552 nm (BP 546/12)
- Beamsplitter: dichroic mirror, 580 nm (FT 580)
- Emitter: longpass, 590 nm (LP 590)
- Pos. 5: Non descanned detection filter (NDD KP685)
- Emitter: shortpass, 685 nm (KP 685)
- Beamsplitter: dichroic mirror, 675 nm (FT 675)
- Pos. 6: None
- Pos. 1: NT80/20
- Pos. 2: HFT 488/543/633
- Pos. 3: HFT KP 700/488 (simultaneous IR multi photon (KP 700) and single photon (488) excitation)
- Pos. 4: HFT KP 700/543 (simultaneous IR multi photon (KP 700) and single photon (543) excitation)
- Pos. 5: HFT 458/514
- Pos. 6: HFT 458/543/633
- Pos. 7: HFT 488/543
- Pos. 8: HFT KP 650 (IR multi photon excitation)
- Pos. 1: none
- Pos. 2: mirror
- Pos. 3: NFT 490
- Pos. 4: NFT 515
- Pos. 5: NFT 545
- Pos. 6: NFT 635 Vis
- Pos. 7: KP 545
- Pos. 8: plate (do transmit light 100 %; set automatically)
- Pos. 1: none
- Pos. 2: plate (do transmit light 100 %; set automatically)
- Pos. 3: BG39 (blue green glass used to block IR excitation light)
- Pos. 4: mirror
- Pos. 1: mirror
- Pos. 2: NFT 490
- Pos. 3: NFT 545
- Pos. 4: BG39 (blue green glass used to block IR excitation light)
- Pos. 1: LP 505
- Pos. 2: LP 560
- Pos. 3: BP 500-530 IR
- Pos. 4: BP 500-550 IR
- Pos. 5: BP 535-590 IR
- Pos. 6: BP 565-615 IR
- Pos. 7: BP 650-710 IR
- Pos. 8: none
- Pos. 1: KP 685
- Pos. 2: BP 390-465 IR
- Pos. 3: BP 435-485 IR
- Pos. 4: BP 480-520 IR
- Pos. 5: BP 500-530 IR
- Pos. 6: BP 500-550 IR
- Pos. 7: none
- Pos. 8: Change Pos (filter can be changed manually)