Olympus TIRF 4-Line SMT

Main Applications: 4-color TIRF, FRAP, 4-color SMT, FPALM, STORM
Person in Charge: Rainer Kurre
Brief Description: The combination of a fully-motorized microscope, a motorized 4-Line TIRF condenser connected to powerful lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm), and a highly sensitive and fast sCMOS camera provides a powerful setup for single molecule experiments. A comprehensive software enables automated experiments and a complete control of the microscope hardware. An incubation chamber (temperature, CO2, and humidity control) provides live-cell imaging compatibility. By using a Image Splitter, simultaneous multicolor imaging for single molecule tracking experiment is possible. In addition, the setup is equipped with a motorized stage and a hardware autofocus for fully automated experiments (multi-point acquisitions, overview/tile scans, multiwell screenings) which require long term focus stability.