Olympus TIRF 4-Line SMT

Inverted research microscope
Olympus IX-81 (
manual) equipped with
- motorized filter cassette
- motorized revolving nosepiece
- motorized z-drive with remote focus handle
- hardware autofocus (z drift compensation module)
- piezo z-stage (NanoScanZ, NZ100) from Prior
- Range of motion: 100 µm
- Repeatability: 1 nm
- Accuracy: 0.5 % of travel
- fully software-controlled
- motorized xy-stage IM 120x80 from Märzhäuser
- travel range: 120 x 80 mm
- repeatability: < 1µm
- resolution: 0.01 µm
- 100 W halogen lamp for transmission light with electronic shutter
- Mid-long working distance condenser IX2-LWUCD (working distance 27 mm, NA 0.55)
- DIC imaging via:
- polarizer U-POT (added on top of condenser)
- Dedicated DIC prisms for 20x (IX2-MDIC20), 60x (IX2-MDIC60), and 100x (IX2-MDIC100) objectives
- DIC slider U-DICTS (below revolving noisepiece)
- DIC analyzer IX2-MDICT (located in filter turret)
- Optional optovar lens: 1.6x
- Microscope large incubator from Pecon:
- Small stage top incubator for controlled CO2 concentration and 90 % humidity
- the complete setup is mounted on an active vibration isolation table (Science desk, Melles Griot)