Olympus LSM FV1000

Temperature control
Sample heating and cooling via
- Bionomic system with sample cell BC-250W and BC-110 temperature controller from 20/20 Technology, Inc.
- Sample holder accepts standard 35 mm petri dishes
- Control range: 0 °C - 60 °C; below 25 °C water cooling is mandatory (1 l/min)
- Temperature accuracy: +/- 0.2 °C
- Temperature stability: +/- 0.1 °C
- Water cooling by F25-MC Refrigerated/Heating Circulator from Julabo
- The objective heater system from Bioptechs is recommended for immersion objectives
Perfusion chamber
- Homemade design consisting of thermoplastic polycarbonate to allow for transperancy and heating
- Small channel (height: 100 µm; width: 4 mm; length: 12 mm) to guarantee laminar flow
- Flow control (0.6 - 500 ml/h) via peristaltic pump from Pharmacia Biotech