Olympus LSM FV1000

FLIM unit
Compact lifetime and FCS upgrade kit for LSMs from
Picoquant consisting of
- a laserbox containing dedicated picosecond pulsed laser diodes (see Fluorescence Illumination) which are combined and coupled into an optical fiber.
- laser power can be adjusted by a filter wheel containing four neutral density filters and fine-tuned via positioning a plate into the beam path
- a computer controlled multichannel picosecond diode laser driver Sepia II (PDL 828)
- laser diodes can be triggered by an oscillator module, external TTL signals, or independently by internal oscillators
- master frequency of oscillator module: 80, 64, 50 MHz; can be devided by 1, ..., 255 to reduce repetition frequency of laser diodes
- internal oscillators for each laser diode: 80, 40, 20, 10, 5 or 2.5 MHz
- channels can be combined to be activated at the same time or each channel can be individually activated in a sequence. To enable burst operation, multiple pulses can be output from one channel (or from combined channels) before the next channel becomes active.
- laser intensity can be controlled via the internal voltage in 1 % steps
- the laser are connected to the LSM unit (see LSM unit) to combine laser scanning with lifetime imaging
- the time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system PicoHarp 300
- two identical synchronized but independent input channels (important for FCCS)
- 65536 histogram time bins, minimum width 4 ps
- count rate up to 10 million counts/sec
- dead time < 95 ns
- time range: 260 ns to 2 µs
- multi-stop capability for efficiency at low repetition rates
- synchronized via LSM unit for imaging
- a dual detection unit equipped with two single photon avalanche detectors
- connected to the LSM output port (see LSM unit)
- beam splitter and emission filters can be exchanged manually